Monday, April 28, 2014

All in a day's time

I remembered that I was in Honduras once. That's strange because I don't really know where Honduras is. I think it's in Central America but there's just as good a chance of it being in South America. But why would I have been in Honduras? I can't think of any reason.

I read recently that if you think you are forgetful, then it's probably worse than you know. That actually makes sense. After all, if you forget something, you don't know that you forgot it. I used to worry about forgetting things but not so much anymore.

Forgetting can be a good thing. Maybe something has been a problem or has been troubling you. If so, wouldn't be best to just forget about it? (literally) I'm not talking about conscience sedation or the use of any of the hypnotic drugs that help people to forgot a painful medical procedure or some other experience that they don't want or need to remember. 

This kind of forgetting is a lot  like "forgetting" how much a tattoo hurts. After you get the tattoo, especially a long time after, you don't remember the pain. You remember that it hurt, but you don't actually remember the pain. This is a good thing because otherwise you might not go back for another one.

Death and Dying

Unfortunately, you can't delete memories at will. At least not yet. Eventually, scientists will come up with a way to do that. I'm sure of it. The only problem with an ability to forget something at will is that remembering something that you purposefully forgot may not be possible. After all, where would the forgotten memory be stored? And if you could bring the memory back couldn't it be said that the memory wasn't really forgotten?

This, to me, is the same thing as when people say that they "died" for some period of time (the longer they're "dead" the more awesome the miracle is). Then, they are resuscitated and brought back to life.

No. If you are able to be resuscitated, then you weren't dead. The definition of dead is, well death. Lights out. Sayonara. Won't be seeing you again. Ever. If you stay dead then you have died. If you don't stay dead, then you haven't yet died.

Where's there's sand!

Somehow I've segued from memory to death. Not sure how that happened; I know there's no return.

Speaking of taking turns, I think it's my turn to be frustrated with the supposedly simple matter of transferring a TLD (Top Level Domain) from one person to another. I still don't have the domain safe in my corral of wild domains. It's not that I haven't tried. I filled out forms, paid good money, sent about 20-25 emails back and forth with the selling party, received and sent secret authorization codes (3 of them) and once I stood on my head and whistled Dixie.

I called my domain registrar (GoDaddy) and they've tried to soothe my serious doubts about whether the transfer is truly in process as the transfer messages I've seen seem to be promising. I don't know if I believe the nameless cold silicon soldiers of Host Monster and Go Daddy as they spit codes and timetables at each other. It's a mess.

Go Daddy did, however, have some good news. If the former registrar fails to approve and finalize the transfer process - ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) takes matters into their own hands and simply takes the domain and transfers it. So in the end, no matter what else I have to do or however long I must wait, eventually I will have the domain at my disposal all safe and sound in Go Daddy's domain of domains.

Let's end this post with a prayer, shall we?

Don't freak out

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