Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Misophonia Website

I've contracted with the current owner of the misophonia.com website and the domain should be mine within 2 weeks! misophonia.com is the number one site listed in a Google search for misophonia.  It even lists before the Wikipedia page on that subject.

I'm writing an introductory email for the current owner to send out to the mailing list when he announced the sale of the site and the new owner.I'll publish the email here after I write it.

I'm really excited about this project!


Hello to the users and visitors of the Misophonia website and its forum, mailing list, and associated Face Book page. My name is Paul N. Dion and I am the new webmaster of the site and I wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about me and my experience.

I am no stranger to website design or running an interactive website. I like to work on a project at a slow but steady pace to keep the information relevant and updated. The field of study in regard to misophonia is a young one, and new information and studies continue to be developed. It will be my goal to keep you informed on the latest news as it becomes available.

My background is in both occupational therapy and social work. I have worked in human services for over 20 years and have a wide range of skills associated with those two occupations.

Additionally, I own and operate an incentive travel company providing corporate incentive travel services to large corporations wishing to reward their top salespeople.

In regard to the website, I welcome you to email me with your thoughts and ideas so I can provide a site that is a cooperative effort and includes input from readers, visitors, people who have misophonia and those who know someone that does.

And yes, I too have misophonia. I’d say I have a fairly serious problem with my unique set of trigger sounds. I’ve had misophonia to some degree for many years, perhaps as many as 30.

As time goes by, it is my wish that we all learn about better coping mechanisms and possible treatment options. I look forward to hearing from you and I am very excited to begin this project!

Best regards,



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