Monday, March 31, 2014

More Words I Don't Like

I think these are bananas

More words I don't like:

Bub-bye. What the hell? What does "Bub" mean?  Is this some infantile way to say bye-bye? Which is also quite childish, I might add.

Tummy. You only use this word when speaking to a child for a short period of time when the child is around 1.5 years old until the child is about 3. After that, it's just a stupid nonsensical word with almost no resemblance to the word stomach other than the T and the M. That's not enough to make the word acceptable for use by people over the age of 5 or 6. Nor should children be encouraged to use the word after they are 3 years old. 4 Tops.

Incentivize. Even though this is a real word, it shouldn't be. I own an incentive travel company, a place where this word might be legitimately used, but I'm telling you that if you say you incentivized someone, it sounds like you just removed their spleen.

Antidisestablishmentarianism. I know you won't believe me when I say this is a real word but it is. I don't need to make any comments about why this is not something anyone should never say in earnest. Or even as a joke. This is total waste of perfectly good letters.

My name is Jane if you need anything. A context-dependent name? Huh? I know this is a phrase and not a word but think about it. If her name is Jane only when you need something, what do you call her when you don't?

Ostensibly and purportedly. These pretty much mean the same thing: if you use either word you are a pretentious snob.

(More words I don't like coming soon.)

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