Monday, April 07, 2014

Youth is about as close to immortality that one can get

For Immortal Souls We Have a Care
I saw a Rabbit in my Yard
It's Eyes Alert for my Next Move
Softly Hidden upon the Ground
In Shades of Brown and Morning Dew

The Rabbit saw my Shadow Fall
It Darted a few Steps to See
Would I Mind its Flight or Might
Distracted by the Wind I'd Be

So Quietly I Stood with Care
And waited for the Rabbit's Cue
And when the Rabbit Jumped Away
I Saw a Crow up in the Blue

Soaring Lightly the Crow it Seemed
Was Flying High Within My Dream
The Wind it Rose the Clouds they Rolled
Rabbits, Crows, and Me All Told
-Paul N. Dion

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