Friday, April 04, 2014

Condsider Yourself at Home

Not everyone has friends.
Not everyone has food.
Not everyone has a place to live.
Not everyone has more than an 8th grade education.
Not everyone has someone who loves them.
Not everyone has a car or a bus pass.
Not everyone has more than three items of clothing.
Not everyone has visited a foreign country or left their hometown.
Not everyone has had general good health.
Not everyone has been on vacation.
Not everyone has children.
Not everyone has had a surprise birthday party.
Not everyone has been fortunate.
Not everyone has experienced wonder or awe. 
Not everyone has paid taxes.
Not everyone has known their biological parents.
Not everyone has a belief system.
Not everyone has lived their lives in peace.
Not everyone has read a novel.
Not everyone has had opportunities for career advancement.
Not everyone has a bank account.
Not everyone has hugged a tree.
Not everyone has driven a manual transmission vehicle.
Not everyone has felt appreciated.
Not everyone has an IQ over 90.
Not everyone has read this entire list.

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