Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Actual Wishes left in the Wishing Well


That I was perfect at putting on my football helmet.

I want all the people I am scamming to believe me and never doubt me.

I wish all my teeth regenerate.

I possess a shopstore for business giving by the mayor of my district.

I wish I will soon become the exact type of boyfriend Im looking to have.

I wish I had magical purple bag on February 28, 2014 appearing 2:00 p.m. On the edge of Mackensie Alene Savages bed.This magical bag has an unlimited amount American authentic hundred dollar bills. No one and or organization in the entire universe would ever suspect that these hundred dollar bills are counterfeit they will always believe that they came out of the professional machine Mackensie Alene Savage or anyone else will never get in trouble for the bag or the money comeing out of the bag. The hundred Dollar bills will be from the a dates 2013. And some from Georgia, Atlanta. All have different but logical serial numbers and letters. And as time moves so does the bills next year 20013 bill will be replaced by the 2014 bill. This will go on throughout the ages. The bag and money in the bag also move with inflation so 50 years from now will be equivalent to the hundred dollar bills now. The bag will work for the next 200 years once those 200 years are up the bag will cease to exist and by 200 years I mean from the date that I got. March 28, 2014. So on March 28,2214 the bag with him disappear, but the money that has been taken out of the bag will stay. How it works is I simply take hundred dollar bill out and the bill pulls the next one out, like a Kleenex box, and if I want it fast I simply shake it with the zipper undone, upside down and two-hundred of the hundred dollar bills will neatly fall out into a stack. I will never have any complaints about the purple bag of the money comes out of the bag.

Will I locate and crush on facebook?

How many people in this room want to see me go out without them?

I'm in love with a Korean celebrity guy named choi seung hyun, we have friends in common and we met once. Do you think he will fall in love with me?

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Blogger andrea chiu said...

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11/25/2014 12:23:00 AM  

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