Friday, April 11, 2014

un·con·scion·a·ble Lowlife Loser Leaves Scene of Accident after hitting a kid on his bike

On April 10th, 2014 at approximately 3:30 p.m. at 797 Main St., Holden, MA, I witness the following: a driver of a blue car makes a right into the parking lot at 800 Main St., Holden and hits a kid on a bicycle as he pulls in. The kid is knocked down and gets up without seeming to be significantly injured. His bike doesn't fare so well.
Hit and Run driver caught on film
(click on pictures for full-size version)
After hitting the kid, the driver backs out and drives further down the street until pulling into the parking lot of Holden Jewelers. Then he walks over to the kids in a casual manner. From my viewpoint, seated at a table directly across the street in Papa Gino's restaurant, he doesn't seem to look at the kids at all.

 Hit and Run driver caught on film
 (click on pictures for full-size version)
They speak to each other, but the guy becomes fixated on something that he sees beyond the scene of the accident. Then, he walks out into the road to pick something up.

Hit and Run driver caught on film
  (click on pictures for full-size version)
After approximately 1 minute, he gets in his car and leaves. He doesn't hand anything (like identifying information) to the kid. He just leaves.

Hit and Run driver caught on film
 (click on pictures for full-size version) 
 (click on pictures for full-size version)
Hit and Run driver caught on film
 (click on pictures for full-size version)
To me, this is a irresponsible and criminally negligent man. He actually hits a kid on his bike and knocks him to the ground, sticks around for a minute or so then leaves. He just leaves the kid there with his mangled bicycle. He doesn't call the police, he doesn't give the kid his name or other information (at least not in writing). Even if the kid doesn't get any significant injury, he is still the victim of an accident and could be freaked out. It looks to be that the kid is about years old or so. I wish I had his license plate number. This all happened quickly and was over quickly. I was lucky to get the pictures that I did.

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