Sunday, April 13, 2014

Close Your Mind While You Can

expanding iPhone battery life:

iPhone extending battery life tricks 

Scan a brain, read a mind?

By Elizabeth Landau, CNN
updated 1:33 PM EDT, Sat April 12, 2014

"What we write online may be intercepted, filtered and publicized, but we'd like to think that the thoughts and images in our heads are totally private. For better or worse, science may change that."

Elizabeth sees it coming. Science will be able to read your mind. She reports that a "prominent neuroscientist"named Jack Gallant says: "How this would work is still at the very early stages of development. But, given what we can already do, it's not a huge leap to imagine that one day we could read the words of people's internal streams of thought"
Given what we can already do? What does that mean?  Maybe making a movie about mind reading is what he means. (the 2002 movie Minority Report)
Professor of neuropsychology, Barbara Sahakian says: "neuroscientists in the field are very cautious and say we can't talk about reading individuals' minds" but continues with "it's not going to be that long before we will be able to tell whether someone's making up a story, or whether someone intended to do a crime with a certain degree of certainty."

Wait, that's is the plot of Minority Report.

Do you think that scientist will devise a method to read minds? I don't.

If they do, do you think it will become part of the judicial system and people's intentions or memories will be used to determine guilt or innocence?

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