Sunday, May 11, 2014

Change is difficult. So they say.

being enlightened

I've heard that change is difficult. I'm not sure about that. For me, it depends on what is changing. I've only had 2 relationships in my life and I can't imagine having any more than that. So that's a category in which I'd score low on comfortably making a change. In contrast, I have no qualms about pulling up stakes and resettling.

I spent my entire childhood moving around the country and to foreign countries. I changed schools many times. I've mentioned it this in a previous post... I attended about 12 to 13 different schools in grades 1-12. I thrived on those changes.

In  my adult life, I have continued to move around. Between the years of 1975 and 2014, I have moved 17 times. I haven't checked in with others to see if this is excessive, but the frequency of my moves average out to be one move every 2.3 years (or thereabouts). This is just the average as I have lived in a few places for many consecutive years (S. Grafton: 9 years, Shrewsbury: 7 years, Barre (Old Dana Rd): 11 years).

Also, here's a note on some places I have frequently inhabited:

1) Grafton, MA: lived in 5 different apartments
2) San Angelo, TX: lived in 4 different houses
3) Barre, MA: lived in 3 different houses
4) N. Truo, MA: lived in 2 different houses

I don't mind changing where I live. You might.

Some fish go away awry

Other things I can easily change:

1) Respect. Once you earn my respect, you don't get grandfathered in after you damage or lose my respect. You have to earn it all over again.
2) Loyalty. If you provide me with good service, you will have a loyal customer. But that doesn't mean you can slack-off - if your service doesn't remain satisfactory, I will move on.

Things I can't or wouldn't want to change:

1) My family.
2) My memories.

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9/22/2014 08:24:00 PM  

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